
The thing that shocks me about the first portion of the reading of Journey into the Whirlwind is that there seems to be this continuing escalation of accusations. It begins with an association with someone and ends with Genia being accused of being a traitor. The interrogator Vevers screams, “Why, death would be too good for you! You turncoat! You agent of international imperialism” (Ginzburg 49). This seems to be an extreme escalation that soon ends with her ending up in prison. The opening chapters of the novel paint the country in a similar way as the dekulakization, where anyone can be accused of being an enemy. Then it gets to the point where everyone you know and yourself is an enemy. Anyone can be associated with being an enemy. Then they are on a one way ticket to a prison cell. These are people that are painted as being model communists but are quickly forced into these horrible conditions. Do you see a system of persecution in the Soviet Union? Do you believe that the leaders are taking advantage of the power to ruin other people’s lives?

One Reply to “Escalation”

  1. I think for sure that these leaders are abusing their power against any lose end they think exists. I feel like there is a strong sense of fear that has to be created to make this sort of government work. It rewards telling on people you think are suspects and you can point even if you do not the validity of your claims.

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