Stalinist Propaganda

The White Sea to Baltic Canal is just one of the many examples of how a government with complete authority over a nation can get things done quickly. Even though this is in no way humane or are the conditions good but objectives can get done. But with out the support of the people this can not be accomplished. this propaganda though only being pictures and posters is very good at rallying people towards a common goal. I question could the Soviet Union have accomplished such feats such as the 5 year plan or canal with out the use of propaganda.

A look at Soviet Music

After reading “The Resolution of 1932” it is questionable to me how any person could have creativity during this time. Were the musicians forced at gunpoint? To please Stalin during this time because through so much sorrow a beautiful sense of music is found. What other forms of music were tested but found unsatisfactory by the Soviet Government?

Commentary on Socialist Realism

When reading of socialist realism you come to realize that this way of art and literature is not realism at all. It shows what everyone thinks the goal of communism is a beautiful utopia. But when the pieces were made it was hiding the true deprivation the typical soviet was dealing with at the time. As the reader we are shown this when Katerina Clark states this on the literature of the time ” In these novels the author’s own life was deindividualized as he patterned it to recapitulate the great legends of revolutionary hero”. Comparing Socialist Realism to Social Realism you see a contrasting meaning behind the two. While socialist realism more encompasses the falsehoods under the Stalin’s rule instead glorifying there cause. Social realism more shows the truths of the working class in the world and what they go through.
