Is the argument effective?

There were a few things in this part of story that stood out to me. On page 472, when Pavel reaches out to the Party, I started thinking about how effective that was. It is like a built in advertisement, much like the whole book. It got me to thinking about how effective that actually might have been. If you read a book that told you the government here in the United States would always be there to help you, would you believe it? Would reading that have any effect on your opinion? 

The end to Pavel’s story also stuck out to me as something to be discussed. Through all of his struggles and issues, he still ends up finding a way to be productive to Soviet society by writing his novel. As readers of the present day in a completely different country, our perception of the novel is certainly different than the Soviet citizens who read it. Trying to think of what it might be like to read this during that time under Soviet rule, it seems like it could have an inspirational effect. Anything is possible with hard work and determination. So I’ll ask the same question as I did above, would this work on you if it was story written here in the United States trying to convince you to change your perception of something?

Gender and Family

There is an interesting dynamic here when it comes to the discussion of family and marriages. Kyutsam comments on his daughter being divorced (page 456 Ostrovsky),

“Just look at her there-she went and took up with that fancy man of hers and got married without so much as a by your leave, then separated from him in just the same way! And now, if you please, it’s me who’s got to feed her and that little brat of hers! It’s scandalous!”

This follows the themes of the time where women were still the caretakers; however, they could now take more control of their lives and leave a husband. The more liberal divorce laws seem to be decades ahead of the American laws, allowing women more autonomy and the ability to support themselves with guaranteed work.

Even Pavel himself is presented as being raised by a single mother, who often leaves to provide care to the older siblings. Women seem to be generally more free. What do you think the intentions of the presentation of these families are? Do Soviet women have more power than Western women (of the time)?

The Bolshevik’s

As we see the Bolshevik’s being slightly more introduced into the story, there are very few followers. This can be a troubling task without any backing. They are sort of viewed as rebels and not many people want to be associated with them. On page 440 of the text we are given a brief description ” A mere handful of Bolshevik’s-only nineteen altogether- devoted all their energies to the task of consolidating Soviet authority throughout the district.”. Many Russian’s did not like the thought of change. Lenin began this movement to allow the people of Russia a quote on quote say in their government. This idea that Lenin put forth showed the ideals of a democracy in a way that people had never really agreed with at this point in time in Russia. A government ran by the people for the people’s best interest. Ruled by a council of peasants, the working class and soldiers, what could be better? Little did they people supporting the Bolshevik’s realize that this would lead to Russia becoming the first Communist state.

After reading this far into the book, if you were offered a spot to be apart of the Bolshevik revolution would you? Would you be willing to take the risk and go against what you know to create this new type of society?

Significance of injuries

Throughout the entire story, Pavel has to endure numerous injuries, but of course, in the end he always survives the injuries as a common theme. Nothing can slow him down. Throughout the story, we have quotes like “with a heavy heart, Pavel had left the railway workshops. Leaning on a stick, he could only move slowly, for every step caused him excruciating pain” (Ostrovsky 439). He overcomes illness every few pages and from today’s viewpoint, it is kind of exhausting to read. However, this is an excellent push for the people of Russia at the time to keep pushing their limits when it came to labor. If any impressionable people read this, they will simply strive to become Pavel and everything he represents.

On the other hand, what does this show of the Soviet Union? Where a person, hardly in his 20s is crippled by labor? Russia is known for the size of their population, especially when it comes to war. They do not have to worry about sending troops in not optimal conditions because there will always be another troop ready to do.

Is this kind of propaganda still applicable to Russia today? Is it maybe even a hero’s tale that we share here today?

How The Steel Was Tempered

I think it is interesting how Ostrovsky portrays the passing of time and how quickly it can happen. Within chapters 2-4, we see how quickly life can change with the Tzar being overthrown and then the Germans invading. We also see the Germans impose martial law and ban the guns which were just given out moments prior. It seems as if life does a 180 turn almost immediately, which is likely how it felt being in the Soviet Union during this time.

It is also interesting to see how Pavel’s life experiences mirror Ostrovsky’s. Both of them are poorer citizens from Ukraine, lived through the German invasion, and worked on railroads. Ostrovsky chose to use his life experiences to create the quintessential Socialist Realism novel, and to much success this was.

Nikolai Ostrovsky life

Nikolai lived a very brief life dealing with illnesses and suffering. He was fighting sicknesses his whole life and the persistent illness was taking its toll on him. When he turned 18 he was officially declared invalid. In 1932 Ostrovsky was accepted as a member by the Moscow branch of the Association of Proletarian Writers. That was his first major writing role and he did this completely blind. Nikolai Ostrovsky life relates to the idea of Socialist Realism. He grew up in a poor family and was always dealing with illnesses and was suffering his whole life. Social Realism is critical of the social, economic, and racial conditions that made life challenging for the working classes and poor. Do you think Nikolai life is a great example of Social Realism?

Society’s Appearance in How the Steel Was Tempered

The first scene we encounter is of young Pavel being expelled from school by the Priest. Then we are given a description of the everyday works that Pavel does to provide for himself. Slowly we are given more and more commentary on class struggles, especially after his friend Fyodor arrives. For obvious reasons it makes sense to have a growing discussion of class systems arrive as the Russian Civil War comes into frame, but what are moments you noticed class disparities prior to the war? I think the moment with the Priest and the three other boys to be the most notable: “I haven’t got any pockets,” and ran his hands down the sides of the trousers to prove it. “Ah-hah! So you say you’ve got no pockets, eh?” (388). I think this is an important moment for two reasons: it demonstrates that Pavel is poorer than the other children and it positions the reader to have a dislike of the Priest, a group later targeted by the Bolsheviks. What are your thoughts on this scene? Do you think it is pivotal in the discussion of classism?

Life in How the Steel was Tempered

How the Steel was Tempered is a classic Socialist Realist novel that chronicles the journey of Pavel. Socialist Realist novels are often thought of to be “how things are and how things ought to be.” This novel seems to so far include the past and what could be the present.

The novel in part 1 starts with a timeline much earlier than when the novel was published, and continues to what could be considered the present or near present. I see the early parts of the novel as a reminder of what had occurred and how bad things were in the previous way of life. This is shown through the interactions between Pavel and the waiters, who Pavel calls “swine” and complains that they are paid too much. The waiters then literally attack him when he floods the station, when the station was only flooded because Pavel was being exploited by the restaurant. He and the common man are victims of the system.

The novel begins part 2 (the part included in this reading) with the story of the fallen trees and the building of the railway. This is how things are now and it is clear in the writing how much better things are now. The work is hard, but the young and strong men are able to complete this work thought impossible. This is for the community and supported by the community – they are working together to save the community. The town gave “all the food [it] could provide” and Pavel was even given a shoe when he couldn’t use his other. The work is hard but everyone is in it together.

The old way of life is an interesting contrast to the new way of life. It seems as if instead of what is and what ought to be it is what was and what is. Was the set up of the two parts of the novel done to display the changes in Soviet life? Almost a reminder of how far society has come? Do you see the altercation with the waiters as a condemnation on capitalism and a figurative beating of the common man? Do you see the story of the train line as collective propaganda?

Socialist Realism: Natural vs Unnatural

The Soviet Union had what one could call a Rennaissance of literature in the 1930’s . A newly formed literary style called Socialist Realism which glorified the concepts of communist values and emphasized the Proletariat. This style would implement many different policies in the Soviet Union such as the creation of only one society called The Union of Soviet Writers compared to before when there were multiple societies. The most dominant was The Rapp (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). Due to this newly found style, there began two trains of thought. Katrina Clark in the book The Soviet Novel describes these trains of thought as “If Soviet historians have suggested that their Socialist Realist tradition developed “naturally,” most Western commentators by contrast, have contended that its dominance in literature has been an unnatural state of affairs” (Pg. 30-31). Explain why this renaissance was a natural occurrence as the historians suggested or if it was an unnatural situation as the Western commentators indicated. 

Commentary on Socialist Realism

When reading of socialist realism you come to realize that this way of art and literature is not realism at all. It shows what everyone thinks the goal of communism is a beautiful utopia. But when the pieces were made it was hiding the true deprivation the typical soviet was dealing with at the time. As the reader we are shown this when Katerina Clark states this on the literature of the time ” In these novels the author’s own life was deindividualized as he patterned it to recapitulate the great legends of revolutionary hero”. Comparing Socialist Realism to Social Realism you see a contrasting meaning behind the two. While socialist realism more encompasses the falsehoods under the Stalin’s rule instead glorifying there cause. Social realism more shows the truths of the working class in the world and what they go through.
